Wednesday, November 19, 2008

sweet gene vincent

Shed a tear for Gene with Ian Dury and the Blockheads.


  1. Aaaaaaaaaah - Sweet Gene Vincent - still one of my favourite ever songs - I saw Dury (your god bless you wherever you may be - sharing some Thunderbird Wine with Gene I hope) twice when I was a student - on the Stiff records tour with Elvis Costello and as headliner in his own right Brighton ( 1979 I think) - thanks for the memories - if you can dig out "Plaistow Patricia" that would be a treat. So here's to Gene and here's to Ian - proof - if proof were needed - that there is a little more to the UK than .... oh just don't get me started

    Thanks again - Steve

  2. That was a good one. I'm always sort of envious of those like SCL who saw the early punk & new wave pioneers back in the day. Gene Vincent & Ian Dury had similar disabilities. Both had a bum foot and/or limp. Ian's was due to polio so he wore special shoes. Not sure about Gene). Lastly, Paul McCartney is a big Ian Dury fan (& Ringo Starr is a big Cramps fan).

  3. I was lucky enoug to see Ian Dury on his final tour - great show and a great band - and McCartney does a great version of Partial To Your Abracdabra

    PS - thanks for the linky

  4. SCL and Planet Mondo, Thanks for stopping by. Color me green as well. I was lucky enough to see Elvis & the Attractions, and the Clash (The English Beat opened)in 1982 or 83. You Brits were in the thick of it during the late 70's and early 80's.

  5. Ah The Late-Great Sir Ian of Duryshire! I saw him live once in Bradford.A Fine Fellow.
